In accordance with Art. 26 OOB2 (Ordinance on Occupational Retirement, Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plans), the employee benefit institution may defer the entitlement to disability benefits until the insured person’s entitlement to daily benefits is exhausted (waiting period: 24 instead of 12 months) if:
With the LOB-coordinated solution, the insured person is entitled to 730 days of daily benefits per claim, less the waiting period.
It is advisable to coordinate the benefits with those of your employee benefits insurer (LOB). This enables you to optimize your premiums and, when an insured event occurs, the benefits are coordinated with each other.
Daily sickness benefits insurance in line with the IPA is the solution for companies that are subject to a collective employment agreement and thus obliged to offer particular insurance cover.
In this case, Helvetia pays daily sickness benefits for one or more claims for no longer than the period stated in the policy within a time period of 900 consecutive days calculated retrospectively from the first day of incapacity to work, less the waiting period.
Whether by telephone, at your home or in our agency – arrange your consultation now, quickly and easily. We look forward to hearing from you.
When benefits are paid under daily sickness benefits insurance depends on the defined waiting period, as a rule 14, 30, 90 or 180 days.
The obligation to continue making salary payments pursuant to Art. 324a CO may vary depending on the region and the duration of the contract of employment. The minimum period is three weeks in the first year of service, and subsequently what is termed an “appropriate” longer period.