Has your business activity changed at all, or will it change in the near future? More than one response possible.
Additional distribution channel
In addition to in-store retailing, my company now also offers products via an online shop or also delivers abroad.
New business relationship
I am cooperating with a new partner company, an additional supplier or a major new customer or am planning to do so.
Expanded or new activity
I am going into a new line of business or completely reorienting my business activities.
Additional office
My company is opening a new branch or office in Switzerland or abroad.
Company relocation
I am moving my business, opening an office, sales outlet or other business premises in a new location.
Change of legal form
My sole proprietorship, general partnership or limited partnership is set to become an GmbH (limited company) or AG (stock corporation).
Corporate acquisition or merger
I am taking over another business, continuing it as an independent operation or integrating it into my own.
Increased travel
There has been an increase in business travel – by plane, public transport or company car – in Switzerland and abroad.
Trade fairs, exhibitions and events
I represent my company at trade fairs or exhibitions, or I organize events.
Working from home
I let my employees work flexibly and independently of location – sometimes from home, sometimes at my business premises.
None applies