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S&P revises Helvetia's Ratings Outlook to 'positive' from 'stable'. The ratings of Helvetia Group have been affirmed at 'A'.

Rating-Agency S&P Global Ratings (S&P) has raised its Outlook on the ratings of Helvetia Group on 30 October 2019 to 'positive' from 'stable'.
31.10.2019 | Media releases
S&P recognises, among others, Helvetia's focus on delivering on the corners of its business strategy, while demonstrating sustainable profitability as well as its very strong capitalisation. The improved risk profile also contributed to the outlook revision.
Paul Norton, Helvetia Group CFO is pleased with the S&P decision: "The positive outlook of the ratings reflects our strategy to grow profitably, diversifying our income streams whilst maintaining a strong focus on solid capitalisation and risk management."
The outlook revision benefits the long-term issuer credit and financial strength ratings of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd., Helvetia Swiss Life Insurance Company Ltd., Helvetia Assurances S.A. and Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company in Liechtenstein Ltd. The ratings on the core and guaranteed entities have been affirmed, at 'A', while such of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company in Liechtenstein Ltd. at 'A-'.

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Susanne Tengler
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +41 58 280 57 79
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Corporate Communications & PR
Phone: +41 58 280 50 33