When you invest directly in shares, you also take a direct stake in the company concerned. You virtually become a co-owner of this company. You also bear the entire risk of loss. Thus, in the event of bankruptcy, your shares may suddenly be worth nothing.
An investment fund can also be thought of as a basket containing many shares and other investment vehicles (e.g. bonds, real estate, etc.). So when you invest in an investment fund, you are investing simultaneously in all the investment vehicles it contains. If an individual share in your investment fund becomes worthless, the impact on the total value of the investment fund will probably be rather small.
When you invest in an investment fund, you spread the risks of your investment while benefiting from many opportunities for profit. Every investment fund pursues a specific investment goal. This then determines the composition of the fund. In order to achieve the investment goal in the long term, investment funds are managed by a professional fund management team.