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Ratgeber Mieterhaftpflicht: Schutz bei Mieterschäden

Tenant liability. The correct way to insure against damage by tenants.

Living leaves its mark over time. This could be due to normal or excessive wear and tear or if something is accidentally damaged or breaks. Find out who pays for which damage.
Automatically included when you take out private third-party liability insurance
Covers damage caused by you as the tenant
All people living in the same household are insured
Calculate premium simply online and conclude insurance directly

What is tenants’ liability insurance?

As a tenant of an apartment, you and others living in the household are responsible for damage caused by its use during the rental period. Your private liability insurance – also called tenant's liability insurance – covers certain types of damage. All persons living in the same household are also insured. 

Damage caused by tenants – who pays?

Personal liability insurance
Cover yourself and your family against minor acts of carelessness with major financial consequences so that you can keep your composure even when something goes wrong.

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