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  • Protection against millions in damages

    30.01.2025 | Simon Gantner
    The law states: If you cause someone an injury, you will be held liable. If you do not want to bear this financial risk, you can take out private liability insurance – and thus protect yourself against losses running into millions.

Protection against millions in damages

30.01.2025 | Simon Gantner
The law states: If you cause someone an injury, you will be held liable. If you do not want to bear this financial risk, you can take out private liability insurance – and thus protect yourself against losses running into millions.

Why private liability insurance is essential

There is probably no insurance more important for individuals than private liability insurance – insurance experts agree on this. But why is this exactly? For a relatively low premium, it covers you for any loss or damage that you may cause to other people or their property. The following three examples illustrate how this can range from a few hundred to several thousands or millions of francs.


In the case of Examples 1 and 2, many could probably afford to pay the damages out of their own pocket. But not the millions in damages from Example 3. This is why experts recommend covering both yourself and those living in your household with private liability insurance. The sum insured can be freely selected – usually five or ten million Swiss francs. This sounds like a lot, but it needs to be, as Example 3 shows.  

What is insured - and what is not

For liability insurance to come into play when a loss is incurred, an insured event has to have taken place in addition to legal liability. Pure wear and tear caused by use, for example in a rental property, is not included. And if damage occurs repeatedly – for example, if the same cat scratches the carpet of an apartment three times – the insurance generally won't cover this. Likewise, damage caused intentionally is not insured. Compensation is paid for the current value of an object rather than its replacement value.  

Personal liability insurance
Cover yourself and your family against minor acts of carelessness with major financial consequences so that you can keep your composure even when something goes wrong.

Defence against unjustified claims 

Private liability insurance also offers another type of protection of which many people are unaware, but which is nevertheless important. It checks whether claims against you are justified. So if someone accuses you of damage for which you are not responsible or liable according to law, private liability insurance is available with professional legal protection to defend these claims.  

Useful extensions 

You can extend your insurance cover to suit your needs: For example, if you often borrow vehicles from other people or ride someone else's horse, you should extend your private liability insurance to include the relevant add-ons.   

Good to know: Who is actually insured 

The insurance covers everyone living in the same household, as well as ordinary pets such as cats and dogs. Children who live in shared accommodation during the week but still reside with their parents are also covered. However, it often makes sense for them to take out their own insurance, as you will see in our blog "First home. What insurance do I need?"   

Report a claim as soon as you become aware of it 

The question is: When should you report a claim to your private liability insurance? The answer is as soon as you realize that damage has occurred. The insurance company will then inform you of the next steps. Some damage must be repaired immediately. However, sometimes the repairs can also be deferred. A good example of this would be a deep scratch in the parquet flooring in the rental accommodation caused by a mishap. Such damage would not be repaired until you have moved out of the accommodation. .  

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