The fact that the current exhibition at the Helvetia Art Foyer bears the name «Chameleon» is by no means a leap in the dark, even though the animal itself is not directly depicted in any of the paintings. The Swiss artist Giacomo Santiago Rogado is fascinated by chameleons, which are among the oldest reptiles on earth. Known for their camouflage skills and 360-degree vision, they experience the world on a scale we can hardly imagine. «For some reason, chameleons and their characteristics [...] are very close to my heart and my work,» says the artist, who was born in Lucerne and is very comfortable with plays of colour, artistic effects and optical illusions.
Chameleons are colour artists – and Giacomo Santiago Rogado is at least as deserving of this title. Plays of colour are very much present in his paintings, for example, in «Intuition 12» (2014), «Spirit 2» (2015) and «Formación» (2019). The winner of the Swiss Art Award does not have a favourite colour. «Colours are like feelings, they come and go and can be impossible to control and surprising – just like chameleons. I love all colours and could never opt for just one.» The artist loves to experiment and enjoys the endless possibilities and new combinations that arise as he works.
The artist enjoys trying out new techniques. All the works which are currently being exhibited at the Helvetia Art Foyer are the result of mixing techniques. Experimentation is part and parcel of his work process. New ideas occur to Giacomo Santiago Rogado as he works, uses colours and plays around with various techniques. Earlier works by the Swiss artist – who currently lives in Berlin – have been characterised by geometric arrangements. As he developed as an artist, he started to move away from this style and the colours began to flow more freely in a less controlled way. However, the different techniques in his works always balance each other out.
With all its corners, windows, passageways, pillars and slanted walls, the Helvetia Art Foyer is a challenging exhibition space. «I truly embraced the challenge posed by these aspects. I wanted to introduce peace into the space with a few, carefully selected works and to allow visitors to focus their eyes intently on the art. A dialogue occurs between the four large-format works I've selected and a new space is opened up between them. In contrast, the series of works on paper perhaps creates a more intimate feel due to the small format and the fact that these are sketches,» says Giacomo Santiago Rogado, explaining how the exhibition was set up.