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Sustainability risk management

Dealing professionally with risks is part of our daily business. By systematically integrating sustainability risks into our risk landscape, we aim to meet our own expectations as well as those of our external stakeholders.

Our approach

Sustainability risk management incorporates a comprehensive, long-term approach to managing sustainability risks, the aim being to reduce material risks as well as avoid negative impacts on our reputation and operating income. Conversely, the systematic incorporation of sustainability risks into our insurance and investment activities also creates opportunities for business success as well as service fulfilment for our customers and business partners. In accordance with the European Regulation on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector (Disclosure Regulation), sustainability factors are considered both from the perspective of sustainability risks and from the perspective of potential adverse effects on the environment and society. At the same time, we supplement these risk and impact perspectives with an examination of sustainability opportunities

We define the principles of sustainability risk management in our integrated risk management (IRM) approach and sustainability risk framework.

Integrated sustainability risk management

Risk management process

Our risk management process covers all activities aimed at the systematic handling of risk by the company. Key elements of this process include the identification and analysis of risks, implementation of risk management measures, monitoring of the effectiveness and appropriateness of these measures, as well as reporting and communication.

Sustainability risks are events or situations occurring in the environmental, social and governance arenas that have – or could have – negative implications for the value of an asset or liability, or that affect our reputation and could therefore be damaging to our objectives. Within our risk landscape, sustainability risks are not considered a new and separate risk category but as a driver of existing risk categories. Our sustainability risk framework sets out our management concept for sustainability factors and risks in detail.

Potential sustainability risks in the operating business are identified in the course of due diligence checks on transactions, for example. They are then forwarded for assessment and managed accordingly. We maintain a list of restricted countries, which is continuously updated. This contains a series of countries in which business activities are either prohibited or where additional due diligence is required prior to concluding business transactions.

2024 sustainability report of Helvetia Group
More in-depth information on sustainability at Helvetia can be found in our latest sustainability report.