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Sustainability key figures of the Helvetia Group

Helvetia communicates the developments and key figures in the area of sustainability transparently.
Sustainability report Helvetia Group

Here you will find the current sustainability report of the Helvetia Group.

Environmental key figures Helvetia Group

Here you will find the current environmental key figures.

Employee key figures

Here you will find the current employee figures.

Publications sustainability

Here you will find all publications for download.

EU-Taxonomy Regulation

Here you will find information on the application of the EU Taxonomy Regulation.

MSCI ESG rating of the financial investment portfolio of Helvetia Group 2023 Rating
AAA 8.04 %
AA 28.54 %
A 34.79 %
BBB 11.3 %
BB 1.09 %
B 0.35 %
CCC 0.02 %
NR – not rated 15.75 %
(Source: MSCI ESG Research)
CO2 emissions per employee (FTE), Helvetia Group
kg CO2 equivalents
*Values do not include emissions caused by commuting. See Sustainability Report 2023 for values including commuter traffic emissions.
Sales of sustainable products, Helvetia Group
In million CHF (Sustainable products and products with sustainability components)