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ImmoWorld Suchen & Ansparen

Search & save. Calculate a budget and start a property search.

Property search made easy.

Our search portal in cooperation with MoneyPark collates property advertisements from all other property sites and lists them alongside our own properties for sale. Making your property search as convenient as possible. Start your search now.

We connect what belongs together.
Be one step ahead of the competition – with the exclusive pre-sale properties in the MoneyPark Cockpit.
Looking for a new home is strenuous. But that doesn't have to be the case with the MoneyPark Cockpit. Our free service allows you to filter your search based on the areas you prefer and the features you require. You can save your search queries so that you can easily continue searching later. Register now in the MoneyPark Cockpit and relax while looking for your new home.
Helvetia ImmoWorld: Immobiliensuche

Save for your home.

Potential home buyers need to put down equity worth at least 20% of the purchase price. We offer various savings solutions to help people reach this savings target in good time.

Calculate your budget.

When buying a house or an apartment, your budget will depend on your joint income and the equity at your disposal. Use our calculation tool to work out how much you would be able to spend on your new home.

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Personal & digital. Comprehensive advice on your home.

Buy or rent?

How do monthly living costs change when buying a home compared to renting? Find out.

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Personal & digital. Comprehensive advice on your home.

Avoid mistakes with your construction project – register now in the MoneyPark Cockpit.

A new chapter begins with the start of your construction project. Faberling accompanies you on this journey. Our experts are more than advisors – they are your allies who stand up for your needs. Take advantage of a 10% discount on a construction consultation and start your project with confidence.
In cooperation with
Partnerlogo Faberling

Personal & digital. Comprehensive advice on your home.

Our experts at Helvetia and MoneyPark can advise you on all financial matters relating to the search for, purchase, ownership and sale of your own home. They also keep an eye on insurance and pensions.