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Helvetia Mietkaution

Rental guarantee insurance. The perfect alternative to a rental deposit account.

Rental guarantee insurance means you don't have to deposit a large sum with a bank as security, so you remain financially flexible – you can put the money into new furniture, for example.
Same security as with a bank deposit
Immediate guarantee confirmation
Cancellation possible at any time
Affordable premium
Quick & easy. Rental guarantee without a bank deposit.

Take out your rental guarantee insurance online now and receive confirmation for your administration within a few minutes.

The benefits we offer you

When you sign your rental agreement, a deposit of several months’ rent is usually due. You now have two options: You can deposit your money in a rental deposit account with a bank as security or take out rental guarantee insurance. Rental guarantee insurance gives you the same security as depositing your money with a bank, but you don’t have to pay a rental deposit. Helvetia stands surety for you in respect of your landlord with a surety certificate. This gives you financial flexibility so that you can put the money into new furniture, for example.

Rental guarantee insurance makes sense if:

  • You don’t wish to block your budget for your new home with a large deposit.
  • You’re planning to buy new furniture and need the money for this.
  • You move frequently and wish to retain your financial flexibility.

Helvetia security deposit compared with Swisscaution and Firstcaution

Helvetia does not charge any administration fees and has an impressively attractive premium and an annual cancellation period. The main differences in brief:


Amount of the premium

4% of the deposit total
5% of the deposit total
5% of the deposit total

Administration fees

CHF 20
CHF 20

Maximum insurable deposit total

CHF 18’000

Minimum contract period

1 year
1 year

Under 27 years of age?

Helvetia YOUniverse bietet den optimalen Versicherungsschutz ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen at particularly attractive premiums.

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