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Ratgeber Vollkasko

Comprehensive insurance. Your extensive cover for carefree driving.

Helvetia’s comprehensive motor insurance offers you the benefits of end-to-end protection for your car – even in cases where you are responsible for the damage yourself.
Free choice of garage possible
Cover for tyre damage available
ProClima Bonus for environmentally friendly cars
With BonusProtectionPLUS cover, your bonus won’t be affected if you make a claim
Get automatic insurance for damage to a parked car with full cover PLUS
15% welcome discount on your first annual premium now

What benefits does comprehensive insurance provide?

With comprehensive insurance you benefit from an extensive cover. Wether marten damage or collison with a post – Helvetia covers all the costs if your car, its equipment or accessories are damaged.

Helvetia pays:
  • Damage caused by storm, hail, high water, landslide, avalanche, snow pressure and falling rocks
  • In the event of snow falling from roofs and branches falling under the weight of snow
  • Glass breakage of windscreen, side, rear or roof windows
  • Malicious damage such as breaking off wing mirrors or slashing tyres.
  • In the event of theft
  • In the event of fire and consequential losses resulting from fire-fighting operations
  • In the event of accidents involving wild animals and marten damage
  • In the event of a total loss: the current value or the current value supplement if taken out
  • For the cost of repairs in the event of partial damage
  • For recovery, transport and towing costs up to CHF 10,000
  • For the recovery of a stolen vehicle if found within 30 days following a claim
  • Storage costs and parking charges up to CHF 500
  • Damage you cause to your car yourself – e.g. in the event of a rear-end collision or scraping a post
  • With full cover PLUS also for damage to a parked vehicle

Does comprehensive insurance make sense for me?

When you lease a car, you are often obliged to take out fully comprehensive insurance.

Helvetia also recommends fully comprehensive cover for new cars and for people who cannot afford to pay for damage they might cause to their own vehicle.

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Get a 15% discount for your car.

Take advantage of a one-time 15% welcome discount on your first annual premium when you sign up online.

We are there for you.

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