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Museums and similar institutions

Artworks are cultural assets that need to be protected and conserved. They are collected, displayed in museums and at exhibition venues and made accessible to an interested public. Art is magic and enchants us in many ways. The enthusiasm for art brings people together.
Your collection consists of numerous different exhibits
Items in your collection are on loan to third parties
Your collection is spread over different locations
Your collection has substantial monetary value
Your collection deserves the best possible protection at all times
Your collection changes regularly; you acquire new exhibits, receive bequests or organize exhibitions with items on loan to you
Why Helvetia?
Thanks to our long-standing partnership with the Swiss Museums Association, we have first-hand knowledge of the needs and concerns of museums and museum institutions. This allows us to maintain a dense network of contacts with key international museums and exhibition venues. Networking is just one of our strengths. Take out art insurance with us and profit from our dedication and expertise. We offer protection for artworks, collectibles and cultural assets of all kind.
Olga Britschgi
"We provide specific insurance solutions for your museum’s permanent collection, taking into account the nature of the objects and their specific risk location."
Olga Britschgi, Head Underwriting Art Switzerland
Get in touch with us

Our experienced specialists will be happy to provide professional and technical support. Together we will find the best solution for you.