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  • Legal Notices

    Status as of 25-Jun-2024; Copyright by Helvetia Asset Management Ltd


    The information and services presented on this website in connection with the investment funds of Helvetia Asset Management Ltd (hereinafter H-AM) are directed at investors residing in Switzerland.

    Declaration of consent

    When you visit this website, you confirm that you have accepted the following terms of use without reservation and have read and understood them. If you do not understand or agree to a provision of the Terms and Conditions of Use, please leave the website.

    Right of modification

    H-AM expressly reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions of Use and all information on this website at any time and without prior notice.

    Access and restrictions

    The information and services offered and described on this website are not intended for distribution to or use by any natural person or legal entity in any country or jurisdiction where such dissemination or use would violate applicable local laws or regulations or would create a registration requirement for any Fund displayed on this website in that country or jurisdiction. Natural persons and legal entities subject to such prohibitions are not permitted to visit or use this website. This website is reserved exclusively for non-US persons and is not permitted to be accessed by citizens or residents of the United States. In particular, the information contained on this website may not be distributed and/or redistributed to any person who is a US person as defined in Regulation S of the US Securities Act of 1933.

    No advice and no offer

    The information published on this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute any advice, offer or solicitation to buy or sell fund units, nor is it to be construed as a solicitation to enter into any legal transaction. The information presented on this website cannot replace advice from your personal investment adviser.

    No basis for decision

    The information provided on the websites does not represent any aids to decision making for economic, legal, tax or other consulting matters.

    The only binding basis for the purchase of fund units is the current sales prospectus with integrated fund contract, the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), and the latest annual and semi-annual reports. Copies of the current sales prospectus with integrated fund contract, the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the latest annual and semi-annual reports can be obtained free of charge from Helvetia Asset Management AG.

    Risk and performance statement

    Past performance, simulations or forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Past performance shown does not take into account any costs incurred on subscriptions or redemptions of units. Commissions and costs have a negative impact on performance. Each investment involves risks, in particular fluctuations in value and income. Performance is calculated in the product currency and may rise or fall due to exchange rate fluctuations. Should the product currency not correspond to your reference currency, the return may increase or decrease due to currency fluctuations. The information contained on this website does not take into account the specific or future investment objectives, the tax or financial situation, or the individual needs of the individual.

    No warranty

    H-AM shall apply the customary due diligence to ensure that the information on the website is accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication. Nevertheless, neither H-AM nor its contractual partners can make any representation or warranty (including vis-à-vis third parties), express or implied, as to the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the information. Neither H-AM nor its contractual partners shall be liable for losses incurred as a result of any investment decisions taken on the basis of false, insufficient or missing information.


    In principle, you use the Internet or this website as well as further links, hyperlinks and web addresses at your own risk. This also applies to e-mails (electronic mail) and links that lead you to us. H-AM assumes no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect damage suffered by users of the websites or third parties as a result of any contacts or transactions via the Internet; in particular, it is not liable for the accuracy, timeliness, quality, suitability and completeness of the data, information and content displayed or transmitted via the Internet.

    H-AM assumes no responsibility for ensuring that access to this website is technically error-free and uninterrupted and that no other technical problems occur during use. Due to changes in laws, orders and regulations, as well as the risks of electronic communication, H-AM provides no representation or warranty that the website will function continuously without gaps, delays or errors, or that it will be free from viruses. As a user, you agree to use this website or an associated website as well as their respective content at your own risk.

    Neither H-AM nor any other party involved in the creation, production or delivery of this website or any associated website shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from such use or faulty content, whether direct or indirect, causal or non-causal, contractual or non-contractual, civil or criminal. This disclaimer shall include, inter alia, indirect and consequential damages such as lost profit or loss from business interruptions.

    By accepting these terms of use, the user of the website confirms that the information he has provided is correct and that he will hold H-AM harmless should he have provided false information.


    The entire content of this website is protected by copyright. The information contained on the website is provided by us for information purposes only and may only be downloaded for non-commercial use. Full or partial reproduction, transmission (electronically or otherwise), modification, linking, or use of the H-AM website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without H-AM’s prior written consent.

    In case of permitted downloading and printing of individual pages or parts thereof, copyright notices and other legally protected designations must be maintained and reproduced. H-AM provides no guarantee or representation that your use of the content displayed on the websites will not infringe the rights of third parties. Express authorization must be obtained in advance to set a link to the H-AM website on a third-party website.

    Linked websites

    The H-AM website may contain links to other websites. H-AM has not reviewed these websites and assumes no responsibility for their content, the products, services or other offerings offered on them, or for compliance with data protection provisions. Activating a link is always at your own risk.

    Severability clause

    If any provision of the aforementioned Terms and Conditions of Use, distribution restrictions and legal notices should be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.

    Applicable law and legal venue

    All legal relationships arising from access to the H-AM website are subject to Swiss law. The courts of Basel, Switzerland, shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue.


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